Thursday, 24 January 2008

Hain: runners and riders

Who replaces Peter Hain as Welsh Secretary?

There are no longer any Welsh MPs in the Cabinet. So what to do?

Kim Howells and David Hanson are the highest-ranking Welsh MPs outside the Cabinet.

Kevin Brennan, despite strong Brownite links, and Huw Irranca-Davies are junior Ministers further away from the top table.

Whoever gets the job it is unlikely to be a full-time role and it won't necessarily be an MP from Wales.

This could be the time that Gordon Brown finally decides to merge the Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Offices into a Secretary of State for the Nations. Paul Murphy as a comeback caretaker, anyone?

That could also relieve the pressure on Mr Brown from having a part-time Defence Secretary.

Blogging may be a little light this afternoon. Work to do.

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